Key Stage 3KS3 GEOGRAPHY CHRISTMAS SPECIAL: HibernationOne off lesson on Monday 18th December

Units of Study:

Lessons: 1

Thumbnail for the home tutoring course about KS3 GEOGRAPHY CHRISTMAS SPECIAL: Hibernation for Key Stage 3 students.


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How are these lessons structured?
Starts: 18th December @ 2pm

The Course

This is a lesson about creatures who have adapted to winter by hibernating. We will see how they prepare for it, where they do it and how it works.


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Thumbnail for the home tutoring course about KS3 GEOGRAPHY CHRISTMAS SPECIAL: Hibernation for Key Stage 3 students.

Curriculum: Key Stage 3
When: One off lesson on Monday 18th December
First Lesson: 18th December @ 2pm
Length: 1 Hour
Lessons: 1