Key Stage 3Geography: Climate ChangeMondays 2pm - 2.50pm

Units of Study:

1. Natural Climate Change
2. Historical Climate Change
3. The Enhanced Greenhouse Effect
4. Sea Level Rise
5. Desertification
6. Combating Climate Change

Lessons: 6 X 50 Minute Lessons

Thumbnail for the home tutoring course about Geography: Climate Change for Key Stage 3 students.


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Starts: April 1st @ 2pm

The Course

Climate change is a pressing concern for many people across the globe. As temperatures rise and ecosystems shift, we ask what causes this and how it can be combatted. This course is not a litany of disasters or a warning of apocalypse, but a hopeful look at how we can help our climate and adapt to changes.

Units of Study

1. Natural Climate Change

2. Historical Climate Change

3. The Enhanced Greenhouse Effect

4. Sea Level Rise

5. Desertification

6. Combating Climate Change


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Geography: Climate Change

Thumbnail for the home tutoring course about Geography: Climate Change for Key Stage 3 students.

Curriculum: Key Stage 3
When: Mondays 2pm - 2.50pm
First Lesson: April 1st @ 2pm
Length: 6 Weeks
Lessons: 6 X 50 Minute Lessons

Units of Study:

1. Natural Climate Change
2. Historical Climate Change
3. The Enhanced Greenhouse Effect
4. Sea Level Rise
5. Desertification
6. Combating Climate Change